Contents of the Windows
Media Player 7 for Mac Readme File
information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows Media Player 7 for Mac
This article
contains a copy of the information that is contained in the Windows Media Player
7 for Mac Readme file.
Read Me file for Windows Media Player 7 for Mac
March 2001
Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the
documentation for Microsoft Windows Media Player 7 for Mac.
2.1 Link issues with Internet Explorer
2.2 Link issues when using MMS protocol
2.3 New Player icons may not appear
2.4 Issue playing files with a .wmd extension
2.5 Issue acquiring licensed Windows Media files using Internet Explorer 4.5
2.6 Issue using multiple versions of a Web browser
2.7 Issue using Netscape Navigator 4.5 or earlier
2.8 Issue playing embedded content
2.9 Help may not appear
2.10 Player does not support Netscape Navigator 6
2.11 Player does not support the Mac OS X Carbon environment
2.12 Audio and video synchronization issue
2.13 Issue playing video content by using the UDP protocol
The following hardware and software are required to use Windows Media Player 7
for Mac:
- Apple Mac OS 8.1 or later (Mac OS 8.6 or later recommended)
- PowerPC 603e 180 MHz or higher processor
- 32 megabytes (MB) or higher of RAM
- Virtual Memory turned on
- 10 MB of free hard disk space
- Monitor color depth of 256 colors (Millions of colors recommended)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.1 or later (Internet Explorer 5 or later
recommended), Netscape Navigator 4.x (PowerPC version), Netscape Communicator
4.0 or later (PowerPC version), or America Online for Macintosh 4.0 or 5.0
2.1 Link issues with Internet Explorer
If you are using Internet Explorer 4.01 or 4.5, you may experience problems
opening links to some files. To fix this, upgrade your browser to Internet
Explorer 5 or download the link to your computer, and then open it with the
NOTE: If you install Internet Explorer 5 after you have installed the
Player, you should run Windows Media Player Setup again. This will add the
Windows Media plug-in to the browser so you can play Windows Media-based content
that is embedded in Web pages.
2.2 Link issues when using MMS protocol
You may experience problems opening links to content that uses the Microsoft
Media Server (MMS) protocol.
To play content that uses the MMS protocol, start the Player, and on the File
menu, click Open URL, and then type the URL.
2.3 New Player icons may not appear
The icons for Windows Media Player 7 for Mac and for Windows Media files are
different than the icons associated with them in previous versions of the
Player. If you had a previous version of the Player installed on your computer,
the new icons may not appear. To ensure that the new icons appear, rebuild the
desktop file by using the following procedure.
To rebuild the desktop file
1. Restart your computer.
2. During restart, hold down COMMAND + OPTION until the rebuild desktop dialog
box appears.
3. Click OK.
2.4 Issue playing files with a .wmd extension
Currently, the Player may not play all digital media files packaged in a Windows
Media file with a .wmd extension.
2.5 Issue acquiring licensed Windows Media files using Internet Explorer 4.5
If you are using Internet Explorer 4.5, you may not be able to acquire licensed
Windows Media files. To fix this, upgrade to Internet Explorer 5 or later.
2.6 Issue using multiple versions of a Web browser
The Windows Media plug-in must be installed in every browser that you want to
use to play Windows Media-based content that is embedded in Web pages. When
installing Windows Media Player, you may be prompted to choose the browser
version you want to install the Windows Media plug-in with. If you want to
install the plug-in for more than one version listed, select a version of the
browser, run the installation program again, and then select another version of
the browser.
2.7 Issue using Netscape Navigator 4.5 or earlier
If you are using Netscape Navigator 4.5 or earlier and try to play Windows
Media-based content that is embedded in Web pages, the embedded Windows Media
Player may not appear. If you encounter this problem, be sure that your computer
clock is set to the correct date, and then try to play the content again.
2.8 Issue playing embedded content
If you try to play Windows Media-based content that is embedded in Web pages,
the embedded Windows Media Player may not appear. If you encounter this problem,
assign more memory to Netscape Navigator by using the following procedure, and
then try to play the content again.
To assign more memory to Netscape Navigator
1. Quit Netscape Navigator if it is running.
2. Select the Netscape Navigator program icon (not an alias of the program
3. On the File menu, click Get Info, and then point to Memory.
4. In Preferred Size, type a larger number.
5. If necessary, in Minimum Size, type a number equal to the number you typed in
Preferred Size.
2.9 Help may not appear
As a result of a limitation of Internet Config or Internet control panel, Help
may not appear. You can use one of the following two solutions, depending on
which version of the operating system you are using.
If you are running Mac OS 8.1-8.5 and you are unable to launch Help, use the
following procedure to set the helper application for the file protocol in
Internet Config.
To set the helper application for the file protocol in Internet Config
1. Use Sherlock or another search tool to find the program Internet Config.
2. Double-click the program icon.
3. Click Helpers.
4. Be sure that the helper application for the file protocol is a functional Web
If you are running Mac OS 8.5.1 or later and you are unable to launch Help, use
the following procedure to set the helper application for the file protocol in
Internet control panel.
To set the helper application for the file protocol in Internet control panel
1. On the Apple menu, point to Control Panels, and then click Internet.
2. On the Edit menu, click User Mode.
3. In the Select User Mode area, click Advanced.
4. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Helper Apps.
5. Be sure that the helper application for the file protocol is a functional Web
2.10 Player does not support Netscape Navigator 6
The Player does not currently support Netscape Navigator 6.
2.11 Player does not support the Mac OS X Carbon environment
The Player does not currently support the Mac OS X Carbon environment. However,
the Player does support the Mac OS X Classic environment.
2.12 Audio and video synchronization issue
If your computer has a slower processor, audio and video may not be synchronized
when you play content encoded at higher bit rates and higher frames per second.
2.13 Issue playing video content by using the UDP protocol
You may encounter problems playing streamed video content over extended periods
of time. To fix this problem, use the following procedure to turnoff User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) streaming.
To turn off UDP streaming
1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
2. Click the Network Settings tab, and then clear the UDP check box.
NOTE: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) are more reliable protocols to use to play streaming video; however,
using these protocols may result in increased network congestion.
Assisted Paid Personal support may be available for this product. To get the
latest information on your support options, visit the Microsoft Product Support
Services Web site at
and select this product from
the drop-down list.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site
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Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
GIF decompression code, copyright 1990, David Koblas. Permission to use, copy,
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