
February 2001

Staff Notes - Feb. 2001, Vol 1

Inside This Issue:

*   "Basic Rules for Subbing - A  


     Perspective"  by Dave Smith

*   What’s New in Publishing?  "Danny

     Boy" by Chris Sharp

*   Percussion Feature "Clair De Lune" by 

     Chris Sharp

*   The Lizard Has Landed! The Lizard 

    Guide to "Jazz & The Inner Person Part 

     1" by Gordon Brisker

*   Copyist Tip of the Week  Proofreading 

*   Express Music Fonts 

*   Joke of the Week 

*   Contest Winner 

*   Editor's Note


Staff Notes - Feb. 2001, Vol 2, 

Inside This Issue:

*   "How to Fatten Up Your Double Stroke Rolls"  

      by Richie Viano

*   What’s New in Publishing?  "Waltz of the 

     Flowers" by Chris Sharp

*   Percussion Feature "William Tell Overture" by 

    Chris Sharp

*   The Lizard Has Landed! The Lizard Guide to 

    "Jazz & The Inner Person Part 1" by Gordon 


*   Copyist Tip of the Week  Features 

    Express Music Fonts  

    Sometimes Fairy Tales Come True

*   Joke of the Week 

*   Contest Winner 

*   Editor's Note  


Staff Notes - Feb. 2001, Vol 3

Inside This Issue:

*   "Music Copying & Finale - Pasting 

    Paradise"  by Lee Monroe

*   What’s New in Publishing?  "Amazin' 

    Grace" by John Ryther

*   Percussion Feature "First Move" by Rich 


*   The Lizard Has Landed! The Lizard 

    Guide to "Jazz & The Inner Person Part 

    1" by Gordon Brisker

*   Copyist Tip of the Week Proof the 


*   Express Music Fonts  Why Use 

    Express Music Fonts?

*   Joke of the Week 

*   NEW! Contest  Win an Express Music 


*   Editor's Note

Staff Notes - Feb. 2001, Vol 4

Inside This Issue:

*   "How to Earn A Black Belt in Finale"  by Jim Roberts

*   What’s New in Publishing?  "Horngarian Rhapsody " by John Ryther

*   Percussion Feature "JuJu Dance " by Rich Viano

*   The Lizard Has Landed! The Lizard Guide to "Jazz & The  Inner Person Part 1" by Gordon Brisker

*   Copyist Tip of the Week Excerpt from "Practical Tips for Professional Music Copyists" 

*   Express Music Fonts  Why Use Express Music Fonts?

*   Joke of the Week 

*   NEW! Contest  Win an Express Music T-Shirt

*   Editor's Note




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Send mail email inquiries to "leemonroe" or "info" then add "@expressmusic.com" with questions or comments about this web site. (Been getting spammed too much because of trolling of my email addresses, hope all understand) Copyright © 1999 Express Music Services, Inc.